Being an UX designer and a UI designer in one person

25 Juni 2015

Many UX designers are also visual designers and these roles can be difficult to handle in one person. Here are some tips for dealing with pitfalls.
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Ux with little money - talk at UXcamp+ Vienna
Quelle: Jacopo Romei,

Ux with little money - talk at UXcamp+ Vienna

24 Mai 2015

From using data you already have to remote feedback - here are some methods and data you can use if you don't have much money for improving User experience. I tried a few of them myself and others were inputs from the talk at UXCamp+ 2015.
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Review Uxcamp+ 2015
Quelle: Sandra Murth,

Review Uxcamp+ 2015

03 Mai 2015

At the UXcamp+ 2015 topics ranged from Rolf Molich's "Testament of a Usability Professional" to learnings and insights of UX in an agile project and an interesting discussion on what developers can do on their own to improve User Experience.
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Ein Wochenende am Food Waste Hackathon

10 April 2015

Im März fand in Wien der Food Waste Hackathon statt. Wie ein Hackathon zu einem ökologischen Problem abläuft lest ihr hier.
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Support Anfragen auswerten für eine bessere User Experience

24 März 2015

Eine Verbesserung der User Experience oder der Usability muss nicht teuer sein. Vorhandene Daten wie Support Anfragen auszuwerten ist eine Möglichkeit günstig an User Feedback zu kommen.
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Human Computer Interaction at

01 Oktober 2012

Starting with Change, ending with a concept for a music player. Doing an Human Computer Interaction class at Stanford University This summer I did a free online course at for Human Computer Interaction – I was curious what they teach at Stanford and wanted to get new inputs from a university background.
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